Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Story I: Judge: Lesbian student's rights violated...

Should the student who sued the school district have been allowed to attend the prom with her same-sex date?

Point blank period we as Americans have rights weather it's freedom of speech, religion, petition, and in today's time be in a relationship with whoever you choose. The young 18 year old girl Constance McMillen should of been able to attend her senior prom with her girlfriend, and her girlfriend should of been able to come in a trash bag if she choose to.Yes, they absolutely should be allowed to go to a dance with a same-sex date. If people are offended or disgusted, that is 100% their problem, not the problem of gay people. There will always be bigots out there, and banning people from celebrating an important milestone in their life such as graduation, weddings, but in this case prom with the person that they love is just plain wrong, and is lot more ‘offensive’ or ‘gross’ than any same-sex relationship.

Really people what is the big idea? This is the 21st century and statistic show that for every ten people, one is gay; however research shows that the number may be more like 1 in 20. With that being said there may sit at least four people in this very class who is a lesbian or gay. If lane college was to have a formal dance would they not be able to come with their significant other dressed the way they want to for the occasion, NO. This is because who is anybody to tell another person what is acceptable or not if you are going about it in the proper manner.
So of course a gay or lesbian teenager should be allowed to bring a same-sex date to a school dance. It is disappointing though unsurprising that this is even a question in our society, but glad that the judge ruled in Ms. McMillan’s favor. Hopefully my school would not try to impose the same restriction, and if there was a same-sex couple at a school function there would be, if anything, nothing but pride that they were willing to stand up for themselves against what other, conservative-minded students might say or do. It is agreed wholeheartedly that it is an issue, and when talking to people about it, it is readily related to racial discrimination,and yes it is certainly a civil rights issue. Even if being gay is a choice, and all evidence points to this not being the case, religion is a choice as well, and don’t we have ‘freedom of religion’ and things of that nature as has already been stated.

When you think about it, the two are practically the same but for how far have people come in getting rid of them; people are being irrationally discriminated against for something that is both out of their control.Constance is a student just like everyone else. She worked hard to get to that point in her senior year just like everyone else, so why shouldn't she be able to celebrated with the one she loves at the prom. If there was a cost for the prom Constance wouldn't have a problem paying her money for the prom just like everyone else, so why is it that she gets denied to go to prom just because of her sexual orientation.

People today worry and concern themselves with the wrong things. When it comes to the gay community people can also be very judgemental not realizing that those who judge will be the first to be judge by the one who calls all the shots. Only God can judge Constance McMillen and the decisions she chooses to make in life, but in the meantime we as a people need to learn to just love, live life, proceed, and progress.