Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why I Am Studying Mass Communication

I am studying mass communication because it is the major that will play a great deal in my future success. People ask me all the time what are you studying in school, or what is your major, and I proudly say mass communication where I am sometime immediately shut down by a person telling me that is not a real major that's just something easy to get by. All I think to myself is some people can really be ignorant simply not knowing that just because I may not be studying to be a doctor or lawyer that does not mean my major is not important to say the least. I feel that some people are ignorant and make ignorant comments just because they don't know ofcourse and simply don't understand. That's where the GREAT ME comes to play. I nicely let them know that if there wasn't a such thing as mass communication they probally wouldn't have a life LOL u missed that. See mass communication plays a GREAT role in everyday life from watching that television show that that we just can't get enough of to that radio that we stay bumping in the car, and sooooooo much more see some one has to do it yes some one, and thats where all the GREAT mass communication majors come in. See we care about the world, therefore we provide entertainment to the public. We are sports reporters, critics, the news, radio personalities, television hosts, producers, and again soooooooooo much more. Then I think to myself again if it wasn't for aspiring people like myself and those that came before me who loves and adores just the thought and even ides of mass communication you wouldnt have a life. Then I dare u to down grade my major if your balls are big enough.

*******Untill next time******


  1. I am proud of mass comm too. Lets get it done and get to the money

  2. Shauna do you feel this Major is for u? try lookin around for more majors.. its plenty of stuff out there -Marq


  4. I like that your confident, it will take you far!

  5. thanks yall :-D

  6. Don't let others bring you down because they say its not a real major and it's a easy out. This is what you want to do, and you show them that it's just as much as a major like everything else and you will succeed in it. Show them!

  7. Im sure you will do great out in the real world. Just keep your head up and keep doing you

  8. thanks 4 the encouragement GuyS!!! one LovE
