Thursday, February 11, 2010

Color of Money

The series of articles pertaining to color of money is important because it soul purpose is to inform the world how strong racial discrepancies still exist in today’s society. The spotlight is being shined on the city of Atlanta where we have been informed on their discrimination, and redlining of black people period, and in the black community. The banks seem to have little problem giving out loans to white people, but when it came to black people who some had even given years of their business to the bank they couldn’t even get a dime. In the reading when what was done in the dark came to light plenty of the bankers wanted to deny the clear fact of what was going on. They acted as if French was being spoke like they knew know such thing of the turning down of black people for loans. The statistics don’t lye either showing the percentage rates, and loan ratio from the banks in Atlanta comparing and contrasting u can clearly see the difference, and in my opinion there is no justification for that. The banks were denying blacks’ loans as if they asked them to write a check out of their personal check book. My biggest question is what’s the big idea? A loan is money that I guarantee will be paid back and for a bank to deny a person a loan just because of the color of their skin says a lot about a person. Can someone remind me again the color of money because last I recall it wasn’t white?


  1. Good blog!...comes to realization that racism in some ways still exist..

  2. Speak the truth! This was very well written and I love that you weren't afraid to tell how you felt after reading this article without being too angry :)This is a series of unfortunate events but by revealing the truth you help to stop these ignorant antics formed by society.
